
Doing your bit to help the environment Handbags

Climate change can be a complicated issue and trying to get to grips with all the information Luggages Handbags surrounding it can be confusing. The fact that it is a global issue means it often feels so far beyond our control that there is really nothing that we can do about it. However the small changes that we can all make in our day to day life can make a difference to our collective future. There are a number of simple changes we can make to our everyday home and working life to make our footprint on the planet that little bit Handbags lighter.Think before you buy at the supermarket. Unnecessary packaging is a massive source of waste so buy your vegetables and fruit loose rather than wrapping them in plastic bags. Similarly, being prepared and taking fabric bags to the supermarket saves the need to use any supermarket plastic shopping bags. There are good habits to get into whether you are at work or in the home. Saving energy is a Chloe Handbags key step to helping the environment and so you should ensure that in the home you use energy saving Celine Handbags light bulbs and in the work place, all computers, printers and lights are switched off at the end of the day. Recycling is another major step to promoting waste reduction not only in the home with bottles, tins and plastic but in the office, where it is important to promote a better use of paper and supplies. If you want to stop office junk mail, register with the Mailing Preference Service. Maybe you could introduce the use of business e cards instead of traditional business correspondence. At Eco 2 Greetings, we supply professional corporate e cards that can be just as personalised and targeted as traditional methods but business e cards demonstrate your company’s commitment to the environment.

