
Has OSHA Written Standards for Humanoid Robots Yet

We have OSHA standards for nearly every industry and human commercial endeavor. Often these regulations like all government rules go overboard to the point of protecting the irresponsible. Lawyers completely enjoy this new paradigm of law and the move towards alleviating folks of their duties and allowing them the right to be irresponsible. It means they have free reign to rape and pillage productivity and file lawsuits for their own personal game without contribution to the market place.

We can thank OSHA for these things, but why hasn’t the government written rules for androids, robots LED T-shirts and humanoids? You see without rules for these competing silicon, Wholesale Car Charger composite, plastic and sensor laden organic replicas, humans will not be able to compete for the jobs. Thus all humans which have Wholesale Car Charger been breed thru millions of years of evolution to be productive and work in collective groups and societies to survive will have lost their sense of purpose and their jobs. From a cost standpoint they will not be needed and the robots will have all the jobs. In fact in auto manufacturing this is already the case. But it will soon not only be manufacturing, the service industry which is highly labor intensive will also follow suit, in fact as the cost of robots comes down, you will not see any humans working at dry cleaners, carwashes, reading meters, writing parking tickets or even picking up the trash.

One might think it will be a while until the price of robots comes down and their technological advances catch up to this point of a rational decision to forgo human labor for robotic efficiencies. Wholesale Car Charger If you are among those nay sayers then you are indeed wrong, as the technology is nearly here and it is only a matter of time. Meanwhile costs of employees has sky rocketed due to lawsuits, Wholesale Car Charger workmen’s compensation insurance, book keeping payroll costs, training and thus the option for fully robotic McDonalds or Starbucks starts to make a heck of a lot of sense. The costs will come down due to economies of scale while the costs of employees will continue to rise due to onerous and over bearing increases in employment government rules and regulations. Since I am completely correct in my observations, I will not entertain CMOS Cameras any contrary opinion on this issue, fore I am going to go out and buy some robots for my car washes because I am completely sick of the harassment in employment law. Think on it human, go get a job somewhere else.

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